

Dashboard Downfalls & How to Overcome Them

Dashboards are an incredibly useful tool. A dashboard is a comprehensive KPI snapshot that helps you view your business’s financial progress at a single glance. However, without the proper preparation, you may end up complicating the dashboard and make simple facts hard to read.


Benefits Of Professional Infographics

Here are the Benefits Of Profession Infographics:


Why Your Startup Needs Dashboards

A startup owner needs to be very vigilant about where their finances are coming from. Every penny counts—especially if your business is in its initial stages of business life cycle. At a time like this, you need a financial manager who tracks your expenses, keeps a check of the revenue, and analyzes the data into […]


The Importance of Financial Dashboards in Reporting

Whether small, medium, or large, every business has to report its seasonal profit, losses, and revenue. Financial reporting helps businesses understand where their profitability index is heading and enables them to compare their performance and take corrective measures. It’s also a significant compliance requirement. Your potential investors, clients, and other stakeholders need to go through […]


How Educators Can Get More Done With Dashboards

Education in the age of technology is evolving faster than ever, and educators need to find ways to keep up. Learning how to work technology to your advantage is exactly what will benefit you and keep you at par with changing needs and requirements. An excellent way to build deeper educational relationships with your students […]


How a Powerful Dashboard Benefits An HR Team

HR departments perform a wide range of complex functions. From managing employees’ payments and salaries to effectively handling concerns, recruiting and onboarding new members, and a host of other tasks, there’s a lot this department undertakes.


3 Dashboard Mistakes You Should Steer Clear Of

Whether they’re financial dashboards, HR dashboards, or for personal use, dashboards are a powerful organizational tool. However, it’s easy to miss out on the full extent of their potential if you’re not using them correctly.


Infographics vs Text : A Comparision

Here is the comparison of Infographics and Text-based presentations:


How Smart SME Owners Use Dashboards

As a small business owner, you need to make the most out of every dollar that your business owns and every bit of your data. Raw sheets of Excel data are of no use—neither for you nor your stakeholders. For effective decision-making, you also need to optimize the data. This will consequentially improve your digital […]


Financial Dashboards For Reporting

Here is the information regarding Financial Dashboards For Reporting: