Sales Dashboard

Excel Tips Every Salesperson Should Know

Excel can be an incredibly helpful tool for salespeople. It isn’t just for number crunchers and data analysts; anyone working in sales can benefit from learning the basics of the program.

Here are five tips to help make your life easier when using sales functions in Excel.

1. Create A List Of Contacts

Using an Excel template, you can easily create a comprehensive list of contacts and organize it by category. In addition to name and contact information, you can add columns for notes about each contact or their interactions with your company. This makes it much easier to keep track of customer relationships and stay organized.

2. Track Your Sales Performance

You don’t have to be a spreadsheet wizard to create an efficient way of tracking your performance over time. Set up columns that track the number of leads, conversions, closed deals, etc., so you can easily monitor your progress and spot any trends or weaknesses in your sales process. And if you want to get fancy, use formulas within Excel to calculate things like average deal size or close rate automatically!

3. Automate Your Reporting Process

Most companies require regular reports on sales performance and other metrics such as customer satisfaction or employee productivity. To make the most out of the sales function in Excel, you can set up automated reports that take all the manual work out of creating these reports—allowing you more time to focus on other tasks.

You can even use “Pivot Tables” within the program to quickly summarize large amounts of data into easy-to-read graphics or tables.  

4. Analyze Customer Data

If your company collects customer data (e.g., demographics, purchase histories), this information is likely stored in some kind of database—and structured databases usually play nicely with a professionally designed Excel template.

Suppose you know how to query a database. In that case, you can use Excel to analyze customer data and identify key insights that you could use for marketing campaigns or product development initiatives that target specific segments of customers.  

5. Forecast Future Performance

Using formulas within Excel allows you to forecast future performance based on historical trends, giving you more insight into what lies ahead for your business—and allowing you time to plan accordingly.

For instance, if certain products consistently sell well during certain months each year, then using formulas within Excel allows you to predict those trends before they happen and adjust accordingly to maximize profits during those times.

professionally designed dashboard template

Sign Up For A Professionally Designed Dashboard Template

If you want to maximize your sales productivity by using various sales functions in Excel, then consider signing up for our high-end Excel templates. At Biz Infograph, we offer professionally designed slides and dashboards to streamline different functions of your business.

Take a look at our collection here.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions about our products.

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