General Financial Dashboard

7 Executive Dashboards – Google Sheets Dashboard Templates

Introduction to Executive Dashboards in Google Sheets Understanding Executive Dashboards Executive dashboards are vital tools for high-level management, providing a visual snapshot of a company’s performance and key metrics. Dashboard template in Google Sheets consolidates data from various sheets, offering a centralized view of critical information. This facilitates informed decision-making by displaying trends, comparisons, and […]

HR Dashboard

Applicant Tracking System Dashboard – Recruitment Dashboard: Excel and Google Sheets Template

Introduction to Applicant Tracking System Dashboards Understanding the Role of ATS in Modern Recruitment Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) revolutionize the recruitment landscape by streamlining hiring workflows and providing detailed analytics. These systems facilitate efficient candidate tracking and management, significantly reducing administrative burdens. Integrating an ATS dashboard within Google Sheets or Excel allows HR teams to […]

HR Dashboard

Creating a Comprehensive HR Recruitment Dashboard: Excel and Google Sheets Template

Fundamentals of Recruitment Dashboards Defining the Purpose and Scope of HR Recruitment Dashboards Recruitment dashboards are pivotal tools in HR, designed to streamline the hiring process through data-driven insights. They provide a comprehensive overview of the recruitment lifecycle, from initial candidate sourcing to final hiring decisions. By consolidating various recruitment metrics onto a single platform, […]

HR Dashboard

Ultimate Guide to Creating an Employee Engagement Dashboard Template in Google Sheets

Getting Started with Your Employee Engagement Dashboard Understanding the Basics of Employee Engagement Dashboard Template Employee engagement dashboards are vital for visualizing workforce satisfaction and engagement levels. Using Google Sheets, these dashboards aggregate various engagement metrics to provide a snapshot of organizational health. They enable HR professionals to track changes over time, identify areas needing […]

HR Dashboard

Crafting HR Employee Turnover and Retention Dashboard Template with Google Sheets

The Importance of Tracking Employee Turnover and Retention Understanding employee turnover and retention is pivotal for any organization aiming to maintain a stable and productive workforce. By tracking these metrics, HR professionals can identify trends and issues early, allowing for timely interventions to improve employee satisfaction, reduce turnover costs and on time recruitment. Utilizing a […]

General HR Dashboard

HR Training Google Sheets Dashboard Template: Create a Dashboard in Google Sheets

Introduction to HR Training Dashboard Templates in Google Sheets Understanding the Role of Dashboards in HR Training Dashboards are pivotal in HR training for visualizing and assessing the effectiveness and progress of training programs. They consolidate critical data, including completion rates, employee performance, and training outcomes, into a single, interactive platform. This visualization aids HR […]


Google Sheets Dashboard Template: Easy Steps to Create a Dashboard in Google Sheets

Google Sheets dashboards are transformative tools that leverage the extensive capabilities of Google Sheets to offer a dynamic and interactive view of data. These dashboards are not just about displaying numbers but about telling a story, making complex data accessible and understandable at a glance. They combine data from various sources, allowing for a multifaceted […]

Sales Dashboard Dashboard

10 Best Sales Dashboard Examples and Templates to Drive Business Growth

 Sales dashboards are invaluable assets in the quest to drive business growth, offering a dynamic blend of insights and foresight. Here we unveil a curated list of the most effective sales dashboard designs that stand as the compass for navigating market trends and customer behavior. These sales dashboards, with their intuitive layouts and actionable data […]


8 Manufacturing Dashboard Examples: Key Metrics and Visualizations for Enhanced Productivity

General Financial Dashboard

Strategic Inventory Management Using Dashboards: 7 Best Practices

Biz Infograph inventory dashboards Inventory management is the backbone of any business that deals with physical goods. It’s the art of finding that delicate balance between having enough stock to meet demand while avoiding overstocking, which ties up capital and increases carrying costs. In this dynamic world of supply chains, markets, and consumer preferences, strategic […]